Baby Nolan, born August 18th, has been such a wonderful and sweet baby. He is starting to find his voice and loves to smile and giggle with his sisters. He's been a very mellow baby (perhaps because his parents are a little more mellow this time?) and he is a great example for his big sisters (not one naughty word or whining yet!). Alicia and I can hardly hold him enough, and the girls... "Stop Smothering Him" is a common phrase around our home. Now that our "quiver" is officially full, we find ourselves wishing we could FREEZE time with Nolan. He certainly is not allowed to start crawling until he is at least 15 months old... :-)

Amelia, our second child is a little "fire-cracker". She is 3 and would like you to think she is a bit older. "I'm 3-and-a-half, you can come to my birthday party", she often says. Like her older sister, she is extremely verbal. If you ever call our home, be prepared for a conversation with a 3 or 5-year-old as they have taken over the "front desk". The other evening we found the phone buzzing in the kitchen. Amelia had answered the phone 45 minutes earlier and never bothered to give it to anyone. I hope it was one of those telemarketers calling during the dinner hour. "Is your mommy there... Hello... Hello....." If it was you... Sorry. She's never short on drama, and we love her dearly even if we need some "down time" to pull ourselves together after one of her outbreaks. Despite the drama, she always seems to know when to say: "I love you mommy and daddy" punctuated by her adorable dimples.

Anika, our oldest child started Kindergarten this fall. It's hard to believe it's been over 5 years since we became parents. Grandma and Grandpa... for what it's worth, we now believe you that it goes by quickly. Anika is an absolute joy to be around. She is learning to read, enjoying new friends and doing well in school, and is growing in faith and knowledge of God. She often prays that she would be a "light" to her friends at school and in our neighborhood. Anika loves to explore the outdoors and likes to exercise. She is grateful for her younger siblings... especially when she needs someone to enter a room and turn the light on before her. We're workin' on that whole bravery thing.

FOUR Generations. This photo was taken last month when we dedicated Nolan to the Lord. Pictured from left to right is: Howard Sutton (my mom's father - 81), Paul Stone (my father -56), Nolan J. Stone (my son - 4mo), Dr. Stanley Stone (my dad's father- 93), and me. We are grateful for every day we have with Godly men to influence us. Such an amazing heritage.

Jeff (and family) I feel fortunate to have chosen this week to "track you down". I love catching up with former staff members and it is always a reminder of how quickly time passes. I recall you talking about Alicia in "past tense" when you worked for me, describing her as your "ideal" of what qualities a woman in your life should possess. What a testament to your patience and faith. Your family is beautiful and I wish you all a joyous and Merry Christmas and much health to you all in 2009. NERP
Merry Christmas to the stone family! Your family is beautiful!
Hey Jeff & Alicia! Merry Christmas! I should of had you do our Christmas cards! I tried to go digital this year and when I received our cards last Friday to send out... well, the company I used had accidentally put someone elses family photos on our card! So we have no cards this year! :( So I am grateful that I can post this to you to tell you all - "Merry Christmas" and may God bless you and your family as He has ours!
Chris & Julie
Hey Stones
Great blog! You guys rock my face off.
Awesome pictures. You do a great job! I also like the 4 generations one. Very cool...
Robert Stanke
Hello everybody! What great memories I have from you from 20 years ago! I still rembember Thanks Giving at the Suttons, and the time we spent with grandpa Stanley learning Excel! Love you all.
Rodolfo from Guatemala
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