John McCain Sarah Palin Campaign Rally at Anoka Airport 09-19-08
I was able to obtain access to the media area during the campaign rally welcoming John McCain and Sarah Palin to the Anoka County Airport Friday September 19th, 2008. I was told John McCain had a knack for showing up on time. They were supposed to be there at noon. Their bus (The Straight Talk Express) arrived at 11:59am and they made their way on stage at 1200 hours on the nose. 10,000 people were expected at the rally and nearly 20,000 showed up. It seems Sarah Palin has truly energized the Republican party, and party faithful seem confident that they will "take Minnesota" in November. Others spoke before McCain and Palin arrived. Two pictured here are Minnesota 2nd Distict Congressman John Kline and State Senator Norm Coleman.
1 comment:
Great pictures Jeff!
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